Monday, January 5, 2009

The lettering Pin!

Marc lettered in Wrestling the end of 2008. I was lucky to have my camera ready at hand to capture the moment. It was quite a match! His opponent was up by six points and in the last 5 seconds Marc pinned him. The ref actually called it with about one second to spare! Talk about having the spectators sweat it out! Got some great photos though, check 'em out!

New Year What???

Ahhh! Small sound that can mean many things, depending on the tone and inflection used. I'm sure that it will be used many times by me in this coming year, although, I'm not counting the times or ways that it'll be used.

A new year here, new resolutions made, renewed determination to be, do and act better. We'll see how long it lasts this year. Don't sound very committed do I? Actually I am. I am trying to be more realisic in my goals. I can print a list that will make me seem perfection plus as I check them off. However, that same list will make my head spin and drive me into staring at the walls and babbling some incomprehensible sounds wondering where to start. Been there done that one several times now. I am ready for a new approach.

This year I plan to be just plain better than last year. That will require things like dilligence, perserverance, better time management and organization. The last two being my most dreaded weaknesses. I tell everyone, I'm not sure what I did to deserve both those weaknesses. One or the other is bad enough, but both?? I figure though, if I can be better in just those two areas, imagine the ramifications it could have in my life. I may turn out to be more than perfection plus afterall. Let's see how far I can take this lofty improvement....

Wish me luck with my lofty ideals. May the force be with you and yours.